Creative Workspaces

This project was made with focus on layout design. Tasked with creating the content and design, I chose a topic I’m passionate about to create the project around. The final piece is a folded fanzine that opens up to show a poster on the backside. The interactive piece lets the design of the page come to life.

Creation Date: 2023

Media: InDesign, Illustrator


Inspiration Gallery

I enjoyed the overlapping shapes and images interacting with text. I also liked the color and opacities used within the graphic elements.

Bold and decorative text that fits well with the content of “Creative Workspaces.” Decorative headings that are still legible but add an eye-catching interest.

Inspiration of color palette with cool and warm tones providing a calm but bubbly energy.

Ripped paper effect to show the contrast between a boring and a creative workspace.

Fascinating layout design with easy ways to read content. Image variety with location and proportion to text.

Cover Design


Preliminary Covers:

Cover drafts show a combination of the artistic and funky shapes a clean and clear layout. Finding a clean layout that was still creative was essential for conveying the overall purpose for the magazine. The cover on the right has interest with the scribbles and drawings, but could use more life in the composition. The center one works very well, but has too much of a professional mood. The right cover was an attempt at the ripped paper, but it was not as effective as I had hoped. My chosen direction was a combination of the left and right cover.

Final Covers:

The final front cover design uses a combination of playful illustrations interacting with a background workspace. The colors used are clean and blend with the mood, but still provide a playful element to the cover.

The back cover uses a simple but interesting composition with line work used throughout the main cover and layout.


Layout Design

Stage 1

Basic placement of elements, few graphics added, general text placement with temporary font and type.

Stage 2

Layout Sketch:

The proposed layout shows the color, opacity, and overlapping elements as shown in the inspiration. A few different layout ideas were used for the “Tips & Tricks” spread for composition and legibility.

Sketches also include relative colors as well as placement of text an main elements.

Image input and minor text refinement.

Stage 3

Addition of graphic elements, input of final font, addition of footer and subheadings.

Final layout

Input actual text, fine tuning layout, visual appeal, and placement of graphic elements.

Fanzine Production

Page layout for print.

Backside poster for print.

Assembly, folding and cutting.

Final Work


Good&Gather Campaign


Chocolate Bar Packaging