I am currently a student in Graphic Design at Iowa State University. I am an ambitious person who loves to learn new things and tackle things hands on. I have a bubbly personality but am also quite down-to-earth. I pride myself on being able to pick up and learn things very quickly and apply them soon after. I am always determined to be the best I can be whether it be as a designer, creator, or as a person.

I am passionate about design in many different forms and I love exploring into each different area. I specialize in Graphic Design but also take interest in studio arts on the side. I have had a few pieces in exhibitions and continue to challenge myself with other amazing opportunities.

Awards & Recognition:

Accepted into Iowa State University’s Memorial Union Art Gallery – “Value Study in Pen” – 2023

Accepted into Art Directors Association of Iowa 2024 Exhibition

Accepted into Iowa State University’s Ecology of Care Art Exhibit – 2024

A bit about me…